Omniversal Battlefield Wiki
Creator Puyo

Depiction; The Creator has never appeared in Puyo Puyo

Character Synopsis[]

The Creator is an entity who appears in Shin Madou Monogatari. It's known that they created the entire Madou Monogatari/Puyo Puyo reality, alongside act as it's ruler and governor for timeless years. The Creator is also responsible for the cycle of life and death, in addition to the very laws of reality being in place and has bounded his creations to their very structure, with the exception of Arle Nadja, whom of which are free from them. At some undisclosed time, The Creator got into a fight with Arle and for centuries on end, the two would spar across dimensions until someone was defeated, that person being The Creator, who was defeated and persumbly died as a result of the battle

Character Statistics[]

Tiering: 2-C

Verse: Puyo Puyo (Also referred to as Madou Monogatari) 

Name: The Creator

Gender: Persumbly none, as it's neither female or male 

Age: Primordial (The Creator existed before the existence of time and space, having created everything there is within Puyo Puyo)

Classification: Supreme Being, Divine Entity 

Special Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Creation (As their name suggests, The Creator can make things from nothingness, up to the scale of several universes), Reality Warping (Can alter reality to the way they see fit), Life & Death Manipulation (Responsible for the endless cycle of life and death, even bounding all creatures to the natural cycle in which things flow), Law Manipulation (Established the laws of reality and allows them to govern all of existence), Causality Manipulation (Created and can freely manipulate casual laws, enforcing cause and effect on a cosmic scale), Immortality (Type 1 & 5; Unbound by his own laws, including the cycle of life and death, which all creatures are bound to), Acausality (Non-Linearity; Exists beyond the casual laws and cycle), Summoning (Everyone in Puyo Puyo has the ability to summon jelly bean-like creatures called "Puyos"), Dimensional Travel (Can fight and travel across dimensions against Arle Nadja), Holy Manipulation, Light Manipulation (Should know all Holy abilities; Holy Laser and Heaven's Ray are both light-based attacks that have a holy nature imbued with them, being able to dispel of demonic forces. Light can brighten up dim areas), Soul Manipulation (Can guide and manipulate the souls that fall within the cycle of life and death). Resistance to Void Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Law Manipulation and Holy Manipulation 

Destructive Ability: Multi-Universe Level (The Creator is the one responsible for the creation of The Puyo Puyo/Madou Monogatari multiverse, which consists of several universes and many alternate dimensions that can be accessed through The Edge of Reality. As the supreme being, The Creator should be superior to Ex, who merge entire dimensions in Puyo Puyo Tetris and Ecolo, who was breaking down all of Space, of which would give him enough energy to effectively bury all worlds and all universes within the Puyo Puyo Multiverse)

Speed: Infinite (Their fight with Arle was said to have span dimensions and their fight crossed over into dimensions for centuries. Undoubtedly superior to the likes of Ex and Ecolo, beings that exists outside of all worlds

Lifting Ability: Unknown

Striking Ability: Multi-Universal (Created numerous alternate universes and parallal dimensions, all of which can be accessed through The Edge of Reality. Superior to beings such as Ex, who can merge entire realities together as one)

Durability: Multi-Universe Level (Unaffected by events that occur in Puyo Puyo, such as the merging of dimensions and even their destruction, that was going to be brought at the hands of Ecolo. Satan would be unable to harm God, who was able to recreate the multiverse with half of Arle's soul) 

Stamina: Infinite (The Creator battle with Arle lasted centuries)

Range: Multi-Universal (Can create, manipulate and even destroy several universes and alternate dimensions)

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient (Sees all dimensions and knows all things that will happen)

Weaknesses: None Notable 

Other Attributes[]

List of Equipment: None Notable 

Extra Info: The existence of "The Creator" is something exclusive to the novels, however, it's likely they are canon as nothing suggests they aren't and it's even used a means to explain how things come to be in Puyo Puyo 


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
