Omniversal Battlefield Wiki

1200px-Minor Scale Blast


This page is meant to help showcase the many terms used within systems of measurement. This is important for calculations and quantifying energy yields for characters. The purpose of this page is to write down quantities without having to use scientific notation or lots of digits or zeroes. There are many terms, both used in actual physics and some made up by the debating community, with this page serving as bringing up both. For example, the term "ninaton" and "nintaton" don't exist as an actual term used to measure energy or tons of tnt, however, they have basis as they are derived from the English "nine". How the system works is each unit is increased by increments of 1000, for example, 1 Megaton is worth 1000 Kilotons and 1000 Megatons is worth 1 Gigaton (and this goes on indefinitely)

Factor Name Symbol
101 deka da
102 hecto h
103 kilo k
106 mega M
109 giga G
1012 tera T
1015 peta P
1018 exa E
1021 zetta Z
1024 yotta Y
1027 nina N
1030 tena X
1033 tenakilo XK
1036 tenamega XM
1039 tenagiga XG
1042 tenatera XG
1045 tenapeta XP
1048 tenaexa XE
1051 tenazetta XZ
1054 tenayotta XY
1057 tenanina XN
1060 bitena bX
1063 bitenakilo bXK
10120 quadtena qX
10300 huna C
103000 tousa Q

TNT Equivalent

Term Joules Tons of TNT Tier
Ton 4.184e+9 1 Ton of TNT Building Level
Kiloton 4.184e+12 1000 Tons of TNT Multi-City Block Level
Megaton 4.184e+15 1000 Kilotons of TNT Large Town Level
Gigaton 4.184e+18 1000 Megatons of TNT Mountain Level
Teraton 4.184e+21 1000 Gigatons of TNT Large Island Level
Petaton 4.184e+24 1000 Teratons of TNT Continent Level
Exaton 4.184e+27 1000 Petatons of TNT Multi-Continent Level
Zettaton 4.184e+30 1000 Exatons of TNT Small Planet Level
Yottaton 4.184e+33 1000 Zettatons of TNT Planet Level
Ninaton 4.184e+36 1000 Yottatons of TNT Large Planet Level
Tenaton 4.184e+39 1000 Ninatons of TNT Dwarf Star Level
Tenakiloton 4.184e+42 1000 Tenatons of TNT Large Star Level
Tenamegaton 4.184e+45 1000 Tenakilotons of TNT Solar System Level
Tenagigaton 4.184e+48 1000 Tenamegatons of TNT Solar System Level
Tenateraton 4.184e+51 1000 Tenagigatons of TNT Solar System Level
Tenaexaton 4.184e+54 1000 Tenateratons of TNT Solar System Level
Tenazettaton 4.184e+57 1000 Tenaexatons of TNT Multi-Solar System Level
Tenayottaton 4.184e+60 1000 Tenazettatons of TNT Multi-Solar System Level
Tenaninaton 4.184e+63 1000 Tenayottatons of TNT Multi-Solar System Level
Bitenaton 4.184e+66 1000 Tenaninatons of TNT Galaxy Level
Bitenakiloton 4.184e+69 1000 Bitenatons of TNT Multi-Galaxy Level
Quadtenaton 4.184e+72 1000 Bitenakilotons of TNT Multi-Galaxy Level
Hunaton 4.184e+75 1000 Quadtenatons of TNT Multi-Galaxy Level
Tousaton 4.184e+78 1000 Hunatons of TNT Multi-Galaxy Level

FOE System

Name FOE Joules Tier
FOE 1 FOE 1044 Large Star Level
KiloFOE 1000 FOE 1047 Solar System Level
MegaFOE 1000 KiloFOE 1050 Solar System Level
GigaFOE 1000 MegaFOE 1053 Solar System Level
TeraFOE 1000 GigaFOE 1056 Solar System Level
PetaFOE 1000 TeraFOE 1059 Multi-Solar System Level
ExaFOE 1000 PetaFOE 1062 Multi-Solar System Level
ZettaFOE 1000 ExaFOE 1065 Multi-Solar System Level
YottaFOE 1000 ZettaFOE 1068 Galaxy Level
NinaFOE 1000 YottaFOE 1071 Multi-Galaxy Level
TenaFOE 1000 NinaFOE 1074 Multi-Galaxy Level
TenaKiloFOE 1000 TenaFOE 1077 Multi-Galaxy Level
TenaMegaFOE 1000 TenaKiloFOE 1080 Multi-Galaxy Level
TenaGigaFOE 1000 TenaMegaFOE 1083 Multi-Galaxy Level
TenaTeraFOE 1000 TenaGigaFOE 1086 Multi-Galaxy Level
TenaPetaFOE 1000 TenaTeraFOE 1089 Multi-Galaxy Level
TenaExaFOE 1000 TenaPetaFOE 1092 Multi-Galaxy Level
TenaYottaFOE 1000 TenaExaFOE 1095 Universe Level


  • The values for the TNT Equivalent stem from a number of languages, such as Latin, Greek and many others that allow these prefixes to be used. For example, One is "kilo" and many other terms like that is the origin of these terms we use within debating
  • The values are increased by 1000, hence how they get their yield to begin with
  • You get your tons value by dividing the energy yield (I.E 1e+43 Joules) by the amount of tons to get it's value in whatever type of tons. For example, the aforementioned 1e+43 Joules is worth 2390.05736138 Tenatons. This value was gathered by dividing the 1e+43 by 4.184e+39 (Which is a Tenaton) to get 2390.0573613 in Tenatons