Omniversal Battlefield Wiki
Mother Night

Character Synopsis[]

Mother Night is a cosmic being from DC Comics/Vertigo, being the embodiment of the absolute emptiness that predates creation. Introduced in The Sandman: Overture, she is the mother of The Endless.

Character Statistics[]

Tiering: 1-A

Verse: DC Comics/Vertigo

Name: Mother Night

Gender: Inapplicable, though both appears as and is treated as female

Age: Inapplicable. Predates all Creation

Classification: Deity, Conceptual Being, Embodiment of Nothingness

Special Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 3 and 4), Regeneration (True-Godly), Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Life & Death Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Nothingness Manipulation, Acausality, Non-Corporeal, Shapeshifting, Size Manipulation

Destructive Ability: Metaverse Level (Surpasses all concepts and dimensions, existing in a realm of Timeless and Spaceless beyond every Spatial Dimension due to being an absolute void devoid of anything such as Time, Space, Thoughts, and Information)

Speed: Irrelevant

Lifting Ability:  Irrelevant

Striking Ability: Metaversal

Durability: Metaverse Level

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Irrelevant

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient

Weaknesses: None Notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
