Omniversal Battlefield Wiki

Character Synopsis[]

Lord Chaos is the Abstract Entity that embodies Chaos, Disorder, Randomness, and Formlessness. Along with his "brother" Master Order, they ensure and represent the balance between chaos and order for the well-being of the universe; however, the two are constantly at odds with each other. Together the two entities created the In-Betweener, to act as the balance in the cosmos between the two.

Character Statistics[]

Tiering: 2-A | Low 1-A

Verse: Marvel Comics

Name: Lord Chaos

Gender: Inapplicable

Age:  Inapplicable

Classification: Cosmic Entity, Abstract Entity, Embodiment of Chaos

Special Abilities: Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsChaos ManipulationNon-CorporealImmortality (Types 1, 3 and 4), RegenerationReality WarpingTime Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Energy ManipulationMatter ManipulationSoul ManipulationMind ManipulationConceptual Manipulation, Madness ManipulationFlight/Levitation, TeleportationTelekinesisTelepathyOmnipresenceNigh-Omniscience

Destructive Ability: Multiverse Level+ (On roughly the same level as other universal abstracts. Also held on a higher level than Galactus and The Celestials) | Low Metaverse Level (Exists on the same level of reality as the other Multiversal Abstracts, able to kill The Living Tribunal)

Speed: Omnipresent Omnipresent 

Lifting Ability: Immeasurable (Higher-dimensional, thus should not be bound to 3-Dimensional concepts of mass and weight)

Striking Ability: Multiversal+  | Low Metaversal

Durability: Multiverse Level+ | Low Metaverse Level

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Multiversal+ | Low Metaversal

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient

Weaknesses: Normal human weaknesses

Versions: Universal Lord Chaos | Multiversal Lord Chaos

Other Attributes[]

List of Equipment: None Notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Extra Info:


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
