Omniversal Battlefield Wiki
Great DragonS
A grand red dragon kept deep underground since the days of the gods.
~ The Bestiary

Character Synopsis[]

The Great Dragon (also known as Wyrm) is one of the elemental dragons. It's a gargantuan red dragon with sharp dorsal spikes, enormous leather wings as large as itself, and a massive tail tipped with a brutal spiked mace. It is fond of warm habitats, ranging from areas full of combustible dry leaves to volcanic depths filled with lava. Even though it looks heavy and bulky, it surprisingly is able to fly without much trouble. It is regarded as the second strongest among The Elemental Dragons 

Character Statistics[]

Tiering: High 6-A

Verse: Etrian Odyssey 

Name: The Great Dragon, Wyrm

Gender: None (The dragons have no definitive gender, similarly to other monsters)

Age: Over 1,000 years (The Dragons have lived for over a millennium)

Classification: Elemental Dragon. Legendary Beast, Monster

Special Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Fire Manipulation (As the elemental of fire, The Great Dragon is an adept user of flames and has proficiency in all things considered fire), Statistics Reduction, Sound Manipulation, Fear Manipulation (Howling creates a booming sound that when heard, will drastically depower attacks and cause opponents to panic), Non-Physical Interaction (Scales to characters who can interact with ghosts and intangible entities), Earth Manipulation (Quake allows Great Dragon to create earthquakes on the scale of entire guides), Statistics Amplification (Raging Strike raises the power of Great Dragon, making their attacks hit harder. Draconic Fury can achieve the same effects), Immortality (Type 1, Elemental Dragons are eternal and can practically live forever if desired), Power Nullification (Can remove buffs and resistance to fire on the scale of four people), Negation (Fragarach, a weapon made of Great Dragon's essence, can create wounds so potent, they can't be healed or recovered) 

Destructive Ability: Multi-Continent Level (As a legendary beast, The Great Dragon should be greatly superior to monsters such as Wyvern, who is stated to be capable of scorching the planet on a consistent basis, which should yield this much energy. Equal in strength to The Storm Emperor, whom of which is capable of altering the earth's surface with it's lightning bolts)

Speed: FTL (Vastly superior to The Golem in speed, who can dodge from Flash Bow, which fires beams of light and Heaven Bow, which explicitly fires attacks at the speed of light)

Lifting Ability: Class 10 (Physically superior to the likes of Golem, who would be this heavy by nature of their material and size)

Striking Ability: Multi-Continent Class (Greatly superior to Wyvern and dragons are able to consistently drive away Wyvern's, whom of which possesses the ability to burn the earth's surface. Comparable in power to other elemental dragons)

Durability: Multi-Continent Level (Has no issues resisting it's own Searing being reflected back at itself. Can endure attacks from weapons crafted from it's fellow elemental dragons)

Stamina: Limitless (Elemental Dragons never fatigue and are capable of operating for years on end without the need to rest or showing no indications of being tired. Should be comparable to Golem, another monster who has limitless stamina)

Range: Thousands of Kilometers through powers (Can control and operate the element it's connected to on a similar scale to Storm Emperor

Intelligence: Very High (Great Dragon is one of the elemental dragons, beings who have been around for a millennia and has learned virtually everything about the world itself and across the different layers of Yggdrasil)

Weaknesses: Is weak to ice. If the Red Heart is destroyed, it will be unable to use Resonant Fire.

Other Attributes[]

List of Equipment: None, but presumably can use Dragonbane or Fragarach

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Searing Breath: A strong Fire-elemental attack to the entire party; it always opens the battle with this attack.
  • Dragon Claw: A melee cut attack to a line of party members, also may bind arms.
  • Dragon Beat: Causes 3-6 melee Bash attacks across the party, also may cause Stun.
  • Fire Domain: Removes any party buffs and additionally reduces the Fire resistance of the entire party.
  • Inferno: A powerful Fire-elemental attack to the entire party.
  • Raging Strike: Raises the user's offense

See the Great Dragon on the Etrian Odyssey Wiki


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
