Omniversal Battlefield Wiki
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Character Statistics[]

Tiering: High 1-C

Verse: Wakfu

Name: Great Goddess Eliatrope

Gender: Female

Age: Older Than The Universe

Classification: Embodiment of Creation and Stasis

Special Abilities: Reality Warping, Space-Time Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Life & Death Manipulation, Non-Corporeal, Abstract Existence, Conceptual Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Nigh-Omniscience, Void Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, ETC.

Destructive Ability: High Quantaverse Level (Created The Krozmos, which contains The Multiverse, a dimension above it and Higher Dimensions such as Incarnam, Externam, Astral Plane, Aether Plane and the Material Plane of which transcend another)

Speed: Immeasurable (Exists beyond behind 4-Dimensional Time and Space, views creation as an egg)

Lifting Ability: Immeasurable

Striking Ability: High Quantaversal (Created all of Krozmos and all its Temporal-Spatial Dimensions of which there is at least ten)

Durability: High Quantaverse Level

Stamina: Unknown

Range: High Quantaversal

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient

Weaknesses: Unknown


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
