Omniversal Battlefield Wiki

Vehicle Summary

This section provides a summary/information about what this vehicle is. If you are unsure about what this vehicle is, it is highly recommended the relevant Wikia page (for the verse that the vehicle is in), or Wikipedia for more information on that specific vehicle in question.

Make sure to describe who, or what this vehicle is in your own words instead of just straight up copy+pasting from the page that you obtained your information from.

Vehicle Statistics

Tiering: This part of the section describes what tier the vehicle is currently in, as well as providing a classification of how strong said vehicle is in question. (May not be needed if this term is not used)

Verse: This part of the section describes the name of the series, or franchise that the vehicle is from. When filling this part in, always provide a link to the Verse page in question!

Name: This part of the section is for any notable titles the vehicle has been given. Nicknames and the likes can also be mentioned or used here as well

Classification: This part of the section describes what said vehicle's classification is, whether it's a standard vehicle or something else entirely

Type: This part is to describe what type of vehicle this would be considered (I.E Car, Airplane/Jet, Tank, Spaceship and ETC.)

Pilots (Users): This part of the section is to describe the people who pilot or utilize the vehicle in question

Vechicle Height: This section is to describe how tall the vehicle is

Vechicle Widith: This section is to describe how wide the vehicle is

Vechicle Length: This section is to describe how long the vehicle is

Terrain: This section is used to tell what kind of environment the vehicle was designed for (I.E Land, Air, Space and ETC.)

Materials: What materials comprise this vehicle and or type of source make up it's interior

Special Abilities: This part of the section describes a list of the special abilities that the vehicle showcased throughout the series.

Destructive Ability: This part of the section describes how much damage to the surrounding environment a vehicle is capable of, or the ability to battle competitively against vehicles who are capable of doing that much damage (in bold. Add any explanations using brackets, but don't bold it.).

Speed: This part of the section describes how fast the vehicle is able to move in a combat situation. Travel speed and combat speed can be considered different in terms of value if said vehicle's movement speed is aided by an external device that allows them to move faster than normal (in bold. Add any explanations using brackets, but don't bold it.).

Durability:This part of the section describes the capability for said vehicle to withstand attacks from a different character of specific attack strength (Which varies depending on said character's Destructive Ability/Striking Strength (in bold. Add any explanations using brackets, but don't bold it.).

Range: This part of the section describes the distance the vehicle 's attacks/abilities are able to cover (in bold. Add any explanations using brackets, but don't bold it.)

Weaknesses: Self-explanatory

Other Attributes

Needed Prerequisite for Use: This part describes what skills and capabilities a user would need to actually fully utilize the vehicle itself (alongside how many people would be needed to operate this vehicle and it's inner workings)

Notable Attacks/Techniques: This part of the section describes a list of abilities, as well as attacks that said vehicle uses throughout the series. It is recommended that you provide a detailed explanation as to what these abilities/techniques can do.

The Copy-Paste Code

==Vehicle Summary==

==Vehicle Statistics==

'''[[Tiering System|Tiering]]:'''





'''Pilots (Users):'''

'''Vechicle Height:'''

'''Vechicle Widith:'''

'''Vechicle Length:'''



'''Special Abilities:'''

'''[[Destructive Ability]]:'''





==Other Attributes==

'''Needed Prerequisite for Use:'''

'''Notable Attacks/Techniques:'''
