Omniversal Battlefield Wiki

Civilization Summary[]

This section provides a summary/information about who or what this Civilization is. Make sure to describe who, or what this race/civilization is in your own words instead of just straight up copy+pasting from the page that you obtained your information from.

Civilization Statistics[]

Tiering: This part of the section describes what tier the Civilization is 

Civilization Class: The ranking of The Civilization based on the "Civilization Classification" page 

Name: The name the Civilization goes by 

Verse: Self-explanatory, the series from which the Civilization comes from

Age: The Civilization’s age / How long it has last, or lasted

Classification: Nature of the Civilization, its Government Type, etc.

Special Abilities: This part of the section describes a list of the special abilities that he/she/it showcased throughout the series.

Kardashev Scale: The ranking of civilization based on the Kardashev Scale

Population: Approximate number of individuals in said civilization

Territory: The Civilization’s territory in numbers, either rough or precise

Technology/Abilities: The achievements of a Civilization, technologically or otherwise, or abilities they physically possess

Destructive Ability: This part of the section describes how much damage to the surrounding environment a character is capable of, or the ability to battle competitively against characters who are capable of doing that much damage (in bold. Add any explanations using brackets, but don't bold it.).

Power Source: The means with which the Civilization obtains the energy to sustain its technologies

Speed: This part of the section describes how fast he/she/it is able to move in a combat situation. Travel speed and combat speed can be considered different in terms of value if said character's movement speed is aided by an external device that allows them to move faster than normal (in bold. Add any explanations using brackets, but don't bold it.).

Durability: This part of the section describes the capability for said character to withstand attacks from a different character of specific attack strength (Which varies depending on said character's Destructive Ability/Striking Strength (in bold. Add any explanations using brackets, but don't bold it.).

Industrial Capacity: Rate / Capability in which the Civilization can produce its technologies and resources, typically for war

Military Prowess: The number of soldiers, weapons, warmachines, ships, etc. which the Civilization can employ in conflict

Intelligence: Self-explanatory (in bold. Add any explanations using brackets, but don't bold it.).

Notable Individuals: Particularly noteworthy members of the Civilization, typically its leaders

Weaknesses: Weaknesses / Disadvantages of the Civilization and its technology as a whole


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

Copy-Paste Coding[]

Here is the coding for this format that you can copy and paste onto a new page if you decide to make a page for a Special Ability.

==Civilization Summary==

==Civilization Statistics==

'''[ Tiering]:'''

'''[ Civilization Class]:'''





'''Special Abilities:'''

'''[ Kardashev Scale]:'''




'''[ Destructive Ability]:''''

'''Power Source:'''

'''[ Speed]:'''

'''[ Durability]:'''

'''Industrial Capacity:'''

'''Military Prowess:'''

'''[ Intelligence]:'''

'''Notable Individuals:'''



'''Notable Victories:'''

'''Notable Losses:'''

'''Inconclusive Matches:'''
