Omniversal Battlefield Wiki

Character Synopsis[]

Corvus is the main antagonist of Dragon Quest IX, he is known as a Celestrian. He used to be Aquila's master and the guardian of Wormwood Creek. He grew a hatred of all mortals after being betrayed and imprisoned for centuries.

Character Statistics[]

Tiering: 4-A | At least 3-C, possibly 2-C

Verse: Dragon Quest

Name: Corvus

Gender: Male

Age: 300 years old

Classification: Celestrian

Special Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Longevity, Magic, Soul Manipulation, Resurrection, Reality Warping (Warped the divine realm into a corrupted state), Transformation, Sleep Manipulation (Can make people sleep with his gaze), Electricity Manipulation, Unholy Manipulation, Breath Attack, Darkness Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Ice Manipulation, Statistics Amplification Negation (Disruptive Wave removes all of the opponents' buffs), Air Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Healing (can heal himself through Meditation), Damage Boost (can strengthen his next attack up to 4 times with Psyche Up), Energy Manipulation (Can restore all his magical energy at once after using it up), Energy Projection, Explosion Manipulation (Can create an explosion of magic that uses up all his remaining Magical energy at once)

Destructive Ability: Multi-Solar System Level (Without even being in his strongest form, one-shoted Zenus who created the stars) | At least Galaxy level, possibly Multi-Universe Level (Comparable to the protagonists who can make galactic solar flair and defeat all previous Dragon Quest main antagonists including Estark and the likes.)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (His blast traveled to another dimension) | Massively FTL+, possibly Immeasurable (Estark transcend space-time and dimensions)

Lifting Ability: Unknown

Striking Ability: Multi-Solar System Class | At least Galactic, possibly Multi-Universe Level Class

Durability: Multi-Universe Level

Stamina: Extremely high (Spent 300 years shackled in the bottom of a dungeon and still had the power to strike down Zenus)

Range: Multi-Universe Level (His blast crossed another realm to strike Zenus)

Intelligence: High

Weaknesses: Blinded by rage, none notable towards the end.

Other Attributes[]

List of Equipment: Nothing notable


Versions: Angel/Corrupted Form | Final Form


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
