Omniversal Battlefield Wiki
Doctor Stephen Strange (Marvel Comics) surfing the Astral Planes.


  • This ability allows the user to disconnect their spirit/soul from their physical body, thus existing as a spirit in their current location.
  • As the user's spirit/soul exists the body, it is able to access the Astral Place, a realm where it allows them to exist as a spirit, as well as allowing the user to interact with other spirits/souls that may exist in said realm.
  • The spirit/soul is intangible, and usually cannot interact (or interacted with) with physical objects, although there are exceptions where said spirit/soul may display the capability to do so.

Possible Uses

  • Capable of exiting the user's mortal body in order to exist as a spirit/soul. The user is also able to gain access to a realm where only other spirits/souls can exist.
  • The user can communicate/interact with other souls.
  • The user can also gain the ability harm/destroy other souls.
  • The user may also be able to travel a spiritual realm, or places where


  • The user's real body is in an unconscious state, and thus it is vulnerable to all forms of physical & mental attacks while in this state.
  • The user is unable to interact with the physical world by any means due to their intangibility. Objects will pass straight through the user's body in spirit form, and vice versa.
  • The user may be vulnerable to those who are capable of Astral Manipulation, as this ability lets them have complete control over intangible beings (ghosts, spirits, etc). In the worst case scenario. the user's spirit may end up being completely disconnected from the real body, rendering the user "dead", so to speak.
  • Not returning to the the user's real body within a given time period may render the user a spirit forever.